0 responses on “Music

  1. DestroyerMariko Post author

    An update on the box thing from the awesome team at Chicks With Picks!

    “Hey DestroyerMariko, cheers for the write up! Lauren is playing a modified Cajon, which is basically a box with a sound hole near the bottom and snare wires at the top on the inside of the front face. Hitting lower down doesn’t trigger the snare as heavily and gives more boom, so that functions like a kick; hitting the top is more of a snare sound. You use separate mics aimed at either end with a gate and high pass and low pass filters to try and separate the two sounds.

    Lauren Allison has modified hers with bells and whistles and pretty much has the best rig in town. The jack in the side is a pickup however that wasn’t working on this occasion. Can’t tell you the secret of the bells, only Lauren knows this.

    Look forward to your performance next month!”

  2. DestroyerMariko Post author

    Tomorrow’s show (May 30th) is cancelled due to illness. So sorry everyone. I’ll gig again some other time.

    You can still go see the other acts however. There’s one soloist and three bands playing! Townie, Newtown, does a great job with their live music.

  3. Goran

    Hey Mariko,

    You still looking for a band?

    After a long hiatus, we are in the process of resurrecting our band and are in need of a vocalist. Have seen some of your Youtube videos and your singing is in line with what we are looking for. We would be looking at incorporating growls and clean vocals.

    We are in the process of putting our demos together, so if you are interested, we could have something to you soon. On the other hand, we could probably help you with your music too.


    1. DestroyerMariko Post author

      Hey! Sorry I didn’t see this earlier, for some reason the website didn’t notify me like it’s supposed to. I’ll send you an email 🙂